Why TennisVend?

TennisVend is a tennis ball vending machine looking to bridge the gap, serve a market need for accessible quality tennis balls at the very point of need, whilst playing at tennis clubs.



How often do we observe players on court playing with flat, worn low quality balls? The average tennis ball lasts for 1-3 hours of competitive play and between 1-4 weeks of recreational hitting, but there are many players that make do with hitting flat balls far longer than they should.


Tennis balls are essential to playing tennis, but often require people going out of their way to restock them. Having to do this leads to scenarios such as

Forgetting to bring new tennis balls, or any tennis balls at all.

Forgetting how flat the ones they have are before they start hitting with them.

Competition tennis teams not having quality balls.

At TennisVend we believe your members and casual users should not have to go out of their way to buy tennis balls, and that players of all levels should not be restricted to playing with dead balls if they cannot find time to purchase new ones elsewhere.

TennisVend Deluxe

TennisVend is a tennis ball vending machine looking to bridge the gap, serve a market need for accessible quality tennis balls at the very point of need, whilst playing, at tennis clubs.

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